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  • Versión
  • Descargar 143
  • Tamaño del archivo 5 MB
  • Fecha de creación febrero 2, 2021

GLORIA, an acronym for "Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments", is an international long-term observation project to assess the impacts of climate change on the planet's high mountain biodiversity. As a prerequisite, we started by designing a sampling applicable to any mountain area and with which we could compare the different mountain regions of the world. This is the fifth version of the GLORIA field manual, which describes in detail the basic or standard sampling of the GLORIA Peak Survey, with guidelines for site selection, plot installation, and data collection. It also includes methods for optional supplemental activities and a description of additional activities that are underway or have recently been initiated under GLORIA. The field manual provides a technical description of the methodology, but does not consider the results or provide guidance for presenting them to the scientific community or the general public.